Beauty elixir

Hey guys hope you are all staying healthy during this crazy time. Since being quarantined, I have a lot more time on my hands not being able to work, so I decided I would start sharing with you my health and wellness tips and hacks. I am a health junkie, I like to try everything under the sun and then see what works for me, so I will share with you my favs.


So I have been trying all different forms of collagen for sometime because I know how important it is to our health. Collagen is a structural protein that acts as a building block for skin, bones, joints and connective tissues. The body slows down making collagen in your 20’s so its important to start supplementing. I have tried Vital Proteins collagen which they say you can mix in your coffee, but it just gave me the eery-jeebies. Then I tried marine collagen and it gave me really bad heartburn. I tried taking the pill form, but you have to take 6 horse-size pills and that grossed me out too. So finally I found this collagen, which I LOVE! The chocolate flavor is really nice and so is the texture. I mix this with some almond milk and a couple other things in my blender bottle and I enjoy as an afternoon treat.

So in addition to the collagen I put He Shou Wu in the blender bottle. This promotes general good health as well as it promotes hair growth and is know to reverse loss of hair color as well!!!! I have used the Sun Warrior brand which is great and I recently found this one which I like as well.

In addition, I like to add fiber to my drink for a multitude of reasons. Insoluable fiber binds to bile for proper elimination of hormones and toxins that can accumulate in our system. Proper elimination can ease the symptoms of autoimmune issues, reduces inflammation in the gut and GI tract as well as easing hormone imbalances.

I also like to add ashwaganda to everything!!! It is great anti-anxiety adaptogen and it is also a cognitive enhancer.

Lastly, if I have time I will pull out my vitamin and add some spinach for a dose of antioxidants. Spinach really doesn’t have much flavor so it blends in nicely.

I love to drink this in the afternoon when I am craving something sweet it really satisfies my sweet tooth and it keeps me full until dinner. Try it out and let me know what you think!